Cedar Creek Christmas is a special time for a passion project of ours where we make a difference by serving & ministering to some key people by sharing our Father’s heart. (You can see one of the videos below that gives a fun full overview of the outreach where Jesus is impacting lives.) Please pray about helping and/or being a part of this event, this year will be in the DFW area.
Our next outreach should be Sat. Dec. 6th, 2025.
We are so grateful for all those who made Cedar Creek Christmas possible and made it a success. We hope to edit a video overview together soon that will show how great everything went. And there was some amazing testimonies also filmed that will be edited and posted. Thank you to the donors who gave, servant leaders that helped put it together, the special characters and Justice & Andrea hosting us at Covenant Life.
Here’s some video overviews of a couple of our past Cedar Creek Christmas Outreaches & some promos.
Want to give towards this or donate to help sponsor someone? Use the donation options below please.

This year Encounter God’s Presence celebrated 13 years of ministry and youth camps! And we want to end the year BIG! Celebrating by giving a special Christmas to some of our families who have been making this journey with us!
Cedar Creek Kids have always been precious to EGP. Sponsors make it possible for them to attend the past summer camps. It wasn’t long ago, one of the teenagers had just had his dad commit suicide and then some people reached out to make sure he was able to join us for camp. Ironically, there was another teenager, Faith, who was planning to commit suicide herself one year after camp but you can see her story in the video. Watch video here.
Now we want to help these students have a really great Christmas. We want to give you the opportunity to help bless them as we celebrate the birth of Jesus during this season. We working on what young people can be a part but past years, we’ve had around 15 teens and children that live in or not far from the Cedar Creek Lake area.
We are currently gathering Christmas wish lists and we would love for you to help us with any or all these 3 areas… Discover, Donate and/or Deliver!
DISCOVER – help us to shop and find the gifts on their Christmas lists
DONATE – make a tax deductible donation personally or corporately and get your co-workers involved in the fun as well!
DELIVER – We will be wrapping gifts and taking a group to deliver to the families usually on the first Sat. in December. We’ll have a time of worship and ministry, you can join us!
Please donate ideally by mid-November or sooner since there is a lot of prep work. But we won’t turn away donations no matter how late they may be. 🙂 There are several ways to make mobile payments via apps, give online or with card or check. Thank you in advance for getting in the giving spirit and showing God’s love in a practical way to these families this Christmas.
Many ways to donate below. Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, or if needed with a card or PayPal (both take out fees), option to text or mail a check.
Next year we may combine this with an our East Texas Mission Trip. (Not for 2024) See details below.