Mission Houston – EGP Weekend

Let’s plan a Mission Trip to Houston for your group or join the annual trip each October. We have been leading these mission trips for numerous years and always ask God what He has for us each year.

Trips can be 3 days/ 2 nights – $175 plus some meals (or longer options if requested). We have had to raise the price due some unexpected price increases.


This Mission Houston is a great opportunity to make a difference by serving & ministering to the people in the community sharing our Father’s heart. We help a drug and alcohol rehab Christian ministry. Each mission trip can involve different outreaches & activities.

For Mission Houston, we usually stay in Hungerford. We have grown to love the people there, those in Houston and all the people at the different outreach opportunities where ever they may be. There are fun ways to love on the kids & young people, whether it’s passing out free gifts, giving out candy, making balloon animals or being clowns. May be opportunities to give your testimony along with other ways to share God’s heart in unique ways. We’ll also be doing a service project, demonstrating God’s love in a practical way. And putting on a youth rally with worship, prayer areas, games, a message from God’s Word, ministry time and also leading a main adult service.  

 3 days / 2 nights trip cost $175 per person.

Let us know if you, your church group, or ministry is interested in being a part of this.

Cost covers 2 nights lodging, meals at the base, outreach costs & supplies. You need to bring money for travel & some other meals. Notify us if you’re available to bring your vehicle or you’re hoping to chip in for gas and ride with someone in one of the caravans.

Individual adults, young adults & youth new to EGP (that we do not know) that are not coming with a church group are invited to fill out an application, background check & provide character references. There’s also a sexual abuse awareness training to complete.

Youth groups with their youth pastor can join up. (Individual teenagers joining may need to have at least one parent or adult leader coming with them.) We will want to be prayed up so we can truly impact these people with the truth and love of Jesus. 

Contact us asap if you’re interested in joining in on this trip or in putting a group together for another mission’s trip.

For trips where a teenager may need to miss a school day, let us know if you need a letter to give to the school for an exemption for day(s) missed due to a Christian mission’s trip.

NOTE:  Teenagers not coming with a church group, may need to have a parent be a part of certain trips depending on how many servant leaders (youth workers) are able to help.

LODGING – Each trip’s lodging may vary. Currently the dorm style (guy’s dorm should enough bunk beds so you won’t have to bring any inflatable mattresses or can use their cots and the girl’s dorm have bunk beds, see pics below).

For a large extra cost there may be an option to stay at a nearby hotel that typically has 2 queen beds with up to 4 people. (You can pay even more if you’re preferring a private room but those must requested well in advance.)

Driving directions are below.

Steps to be a part of this mission trip…

1st Step – Send a Facebook message or email us that you’re interested in being a part of the mission trip team at EncounterGodsPresence@gmail.com 

2nd Step – Turn in Registration Form (see above button) with non-refundable $75 deposits 2 months before trip (For Oct. 2024 trip, deposit isn’t due until Fri. Aug. 16th.) You can pay through the different apps listed or mail a check made out to “EGP” if time allows. (If some reason the application is not approved, deposit will be returned).

Next is the non-refundable $100 payment due one month before trip. (For Oct. 2024 trip, payment due Fri. Sept. 6th.)  (Late fees – Sept. Fri. the 13th $25 late fee at 3 weeks before, another $25 late fee Sept. Fri. the 20th at 2 weeks before.) 

Be praying for your funds and other team member’s needed funds.

3rd Step –  You will then send in a copy by scanning or taking a picture after filling out the “A Little About Me” page (see above buttons). There’s also a version that gives you the option to copy and paste into an email.

4th Step – Collect canned goods please. (See needed list below.)


Extra Step for new individuals (that we do not know) that are not coming with a church group – that are not a returning mission trip team member or have not been involved as an EGP volunteer before, will need to print and fill out an application and have others fill out the Christian Character Evaluation. Adults need a background check. There’s also a sexual abuse awareness training to completed by those 14 years and older.




We’re doing another Mission Trip flying back to Yucatán Mexico in July. Need adults and youth regardless of your “skill set” to help join the team.  Click here for info.



Some past videos and past trip’s info…






Help Houston !!!

Go Serve or Send Funds!

Encounter God’s Presence ministry is gathering a team to go down again to help those in the Houston area, in the town of Wharton/ Hungerford.

We’ll be giving practical physical help along with putting on a E.G.P. youth rally to encourage the teenagers there on Sat. night and then leading a Sun. morning service (worship & multi-media message) for a local body of believers.

If you would like to volunteer to help or give (tax-deductible) towards our mission trip there please send us a Facebook Message or email for more details.

If you can’t get away yourself but can help sponsor someone who can but just needs help financially please send us a Facebook Message or email.

Again to volunteer to help or give towards our mission trip there please send us a Private Message for more details.

Please be praying for all of those affected by wants happened and what may continue this next week.

For His glory,

Jason & Heidi Williams







Map & Directions
