Jason and Heidi Williams have been leading Encounter God’s Presence ministry since 2012. They have both been in full-time ministry since they were teenagers. Many years ago, Jason & Heidi took a step of faith after much prayer, Godly counsel and confirmation to leave where they had served for 5 years (he as youth pastor & her as the worship leader). They have been pursing what God is putting before them with Encounter and are believing for continued supernatural provision to be able to that.
Jason & Heidi lead E.G.P. as well as serve on the E.G.P. Board. They are amazed to see how God has been growing Encounter God’s Presence ministry. There has been so many salvations, rededications, emotional & physical healing, along with powerful prophetic words. Encounter networks with churches to have an annual youth camp (June) and an annual servant leadership conference (Jan.) and mission trips in the US and also internationally (July) and Kid’s Camp. EGP also serves in local home events and travels to do city-wide rallies and ministering in churches. They are so grateful for it all and always want to give all the glory to our Heavenly Father.
There are Encounter God’s Presence Nights (worship, message & ministry) on a regular basis in the DFW area. They enjoy being invited to guest speak and lead worship and usually bring some volunteer Encounter servant leaders with them (sometimes up to 30). Also Encounter city-wide youth rallies and Nights of Worship are brought to different cities & states and taking teams of individuals and church groups to mission trips to Mexico, Belize, Jamaica and The U.S. Virgin Islands. Many times their team involves full worship band, prophetic ministry, painting during worship, a rapper and/or a spoken word poet. Please go to “contact us” if your church or ministry is interested in hosting an event or needing us to serve in some way.
Jason attended Criswell Center for Biblical Studies and is a graduate of Emmaus Ministry School and has served as youth pastor & young adult pastor for 20 plus years. He loves raising up leaders and has shared at Christ For the Nation’s Advance School of Youth Ministry. They have ministered in numerous countries and enjoy relating God’s Word and His love in a very practical way with the use of multi-media and the arts. Discipling people in finding their destiny & identity in God is very important to them. They long to see children, youth and adults all find and walk in their spiritual giftings and do the ministry of Jesus.
Heidi has an amazing gift to lead others in worship and really connect with the Father’s heart. She first started in ministry as a children’s pastor and is also gifted in drama, the prophetic and so many other areas. Heidi went to Southwestern Assemblies of God University along with being a graduate of Christ For the Nations. She worked at C.F.N.I. for 7 years where she helped Y.F.N. (Youth For the Nations) become one of the Top 10 Youth Camps in America at that time.

Jason and Heidi have been married since 2000 and have one son, Luke, who is very involved in the success of the different E.G.P. ministries. He is musically talented. He plays guitar, bass, drums and can even play the Veggie Tales song on the good ‘ole tuba. Oh yeah and he has a great voice just like his mom.
Heidi singing Design at Encounter God’s Presence camp. Love how the band ends about 6 1/2 min. but the youth keep worshipping for another 10 minutes until we transition into prophetic ministry.
This is such a powerful worship song. Towards the end, there was some technical difficulty but we were able to capture the rest on a cell phone. Make sure you watch it all, at about 4:40 or so there’s some cool visuals.
1. Heidi singing Worthy of it All
2. When I Lock Eyes with You – Heidi & Alex
3. Heidi singing After You
4. Heidi & Cayton singing No Longer a Slave
5. Heidi and Cayton singing Way Maker
6. Heidi singing Fire of God
Please join us in praying John 3:30.
See some of Jason & Heidi’s videos (click here).