Fundraiser ideas

Fundraising ideas to raise $$$ for Encounter camp & EGP mission trips

Share your ideas with us please. (We’ll add more as we get them.)

Bed Sheet fundraiser – There are a few companies that offer this fundraiser but this one sends sample swatches. They have bed sheets and pillows (bamboo, cooling, and reading).

Selling online jewelry –  The company, Park Lane Jewelry will give 50% back to your church. There is a lady at one the churches in our EGP network that is willing to help you with all of it. Reach out Meg at  [email protected] 

Car washes – there are some different places like fast food places and stores near high-traffic areas that allow you to use their property and water if you ask.

Pick-a-Number – Make a picture to post on your social media and have others share it. People could get you cash or send you a check but it helps to have some different ways to receive people’s money electronically like Venmo, Cash App and/or Zelle. Examples are below and here are some sample pictures

Sell Gift Cards – Companies will sell you discounted cards, you sell them to your church people, friends & family for regular price but you make profit on the difference. If you have the funds to order some popular ones in advance it’s easier to sell people gift cards you have right than otherwise they have to order and then pick them up the next week or two depending on mailing option. See info at

Sell Your Life-Giving Plasma – Those 18 years and older can sometimes make $900 for usually just 8 plasma donations. Email for current coupon deals and details. 

This site has some other ideas…

Make crafts like wooden crosses, wreaths or a variety things for donations. Heidi has found many ideas w/ instructions on how on Pinterest. Post them on social media and local online selling spots. Maybe even look into selling them on the side of the road or at a Trade Days near you. Heidi’s dad displays one on his desk at work with an order form next to it. (I’ll attached some pics below.)

Spring Creek BBQ – Check with them for most current options. But basically for churches of at least something like 300 or so (would need to confirm that & any other criteria like distance from location) they offer Spirit Night fundraisers usually on Monday nights. Your church would pass out (or insert half pages into bulletins, if y’all do them) that promote your church’s night to eat there. If you have 150 people or more say they’re there to support your youth group, you get something like 20% of that night’s sales but if less people show up you still get like $500. And thank Spring Creek for the following 2 weeks in bulletin, marquee and/or Facebook and they may add an additional $200! 

Go Fund Me – set up online way for people to give online.

Bake Sales – before and after your church services or community events

Here’s My Dollar – Dollar Fundraiser sample Ask friends, family or random people to sign a spot that applies to them & donate a dollar to help you go to camp or the mission’s trip. For example, They could choose & sign in the box that has “I love God so here’s my dollar” or “I don’t know where Belize is but here’s my dollar”. This is more fun than just bluntly asking someone for a dollar.

Fundraiser idea – Sample to ask others to help sponsor you. (click here)

Valentine’s, Easter & Mother’s Day sales at church services or around town – Sell & deliver flowers or little treats for people’s donations.

Share your ideas with us please.

Here below is a post where a teenager made a video explaining the pick-a-number board fundraiser for EGP camp.

Below are some pic ideas for crafts…


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