Our previous Servant Leadership Conference that was in 2023.
There are countless people saying they have a prophetic word, some are “on point” and others are “way off”. Every Christian should have discernment and learn how to test all these prophecies. (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 & I Corinthians 14:29) Let’s rise to be the leaders God has called us all to be. Discover Biblical truths on being a more influential leader like Jesus whether or not you hold a “leadership position”. God wants to really use you, it’s time to let Him completely. (See more promo videos below.)
Click above picture to find out more about Josh Lewis.
Heidi Williams & the Encounter worship band will be leading us in some deep times of worship, we’ll be taught some great Biblical truths by Pastor Josh Lewis of The Remnant Radio show and Jason Williams of EGP.
G.F. Soldier spitting some spoken word poetry. Ronnie Gonzalez will be leading a workshop. Pastor Paul & Yuri Huntington will help the prophetic team with individual personal prophetic words. We will be times of personal ministry, getting into God’s Word, prophetic words & fellowship with some really good people.
Registration cost below, this helps with missions. There will be a special luncheon on Sat. for everyone to be a part of, we will have different pastors & leaders for a unique Q&A Pastor’s Panel. (The lunch meal on Sat. 12 – 2pm will be included in your registration.)
Past year’s info below

Servant Leadership Conference Pictures & Videos
See a previous promo video and Will Ford on various tv shows below…

Check out a previous conference’s overview video below.