Churches are required to do background checks on everyone 18 years or older that will be at camp. You can pay to have EGP to do these for you. (Info on the bottom in green.)
**Mandatory Reporting** You are required to report the abuse a minor has told you they have experienced.
We want to make sure we do everything we can to help protect children and teenagers. Encounter God’s Presence camp has you covered so there’s no cost to you as a servant leader going to kid’s camp and/or youth camp, you’ll have access to go through some important online training.
If you have others that are not going to camp that want to go through this important training. Contact us to set that up a nominal fee.
Going through the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training from Protect My Ministry before EGP Camp is a vital way to start becoming better equipped. We can allow God to use us to minister life to those around us and be a part of preventing all kinds of abuse.
Once you complete the video training (helpful to take notes), you’ll want to make sure to pass the 25 question quiz in order to receive the certificate of completion.
* Make sure and forward your certificate and/or print to your main leader 3 weeks before youth camp and 2 weeks before kid’s camp because they need everyone’s together in a folder before camp.
If you are ready to register for the online training link, you can skip to the very bottom past all the orange text. WARNING – The link emailed to you will expire in 14 days so please go through this now or as soon as you’re able to. Completing the quiz in a timely manner, is another way to avoid having to pay us the $5 fee. 🙂
Thanks for being a part of what God is doing with Encounter God’s Presence camp.
For His glory,
Jason Williams
Policy on Abuse Reporting (click here)
Needing advice, support or encouragement before you make a report of abuse you were made aware of?
As a mandatory reporter you may feel overwhelmed, feel guilty or have some anxiety around reporting. If you need someone to talk with (or text or chat online), ChildHelp is a non-profit agency that offers support and encouragement for those who have to make a report. These are professionals who have degrees in social work, counseling, psychology, or a related field that can help you.
ChildHelp is not able to actually take any reports. They are a private, nonprofit agency that offers child abuse prevention services. They are not a government child welfare agency, so again they do not take or investigate allegations of abuse or neglect just offer helpful resources.
Please note: A false report is a crime governed by federal and state laws, involving a person who, with intent to deceive, knowingly makes a false statement to a mandated reporter or law enforcement official that results in unwarranted government action. Malicious or false reports will be referred to law enforcement for prosecution.
Ready to report?
Reports must be made to the state the abuse has or is occurring in.
For Texas, youth or mandatory reporters can report either online or by phone 24 hours a day at 1-800-252-5400 or at
The Louisiana state hotline is 1-855-452-5437 (24/7) More info. at
For New Mexico state hotline is 1-855-333-7233
Youth may text NM state at 505-591-9444 to report suspected abuse or neglect or be connected with resources and support.
ALL adults need to take this online sexual abuse awareness training. (And mature teenagers at least 14 years old who are coming to Kid’s Camp as a Student Servant Leader, feel free to watch them with church leaders or a parent.)
Please use the link below and fill out the questions to register for the first time with EGP camp now. (If your church or group has already created an account for you, please do not use the link below as that create a second account for you.) Then details will be emailed any where from 1 hour to 3 days afterwards with a link to take the online sexual abuse awareness training. (Please do not sign up multiply times, that will make multiple accounts.) Make sure to also check your Spam/Junk folder. The updated version is about an hour long (you should be able to pause the video and watch in different parts if needed). This should be completed 3 weeks before youth camp starts and 2 weeks before kid’s camp please. Our email to you will actually show coming from [email protected] or fyi. It might be helpful to add those to your email address book. After you pass the quiz, email your main leader with the title “I passed the online camp training quiz”.
If you’re not doing background checks through EGP and just doing the online training, you do now need to put in your address and you may be able to just put in all 1’s where it requests your social security number. In other words, type the number one, nine times with no spaces or dashes for that section. On the form it has the dashes so it will look like this 111-11-1111 (See screen shot.) Now if it does not accept it, you could still go ahead and put your SSN to proceed. If you have been specifically requested to have a background check through EGP, make sure you do put in your all details and your SSN please.
Note – Even though it will ask you to choose Yes or No after it reads, “By continuing… for the purpose… Authorization for a Background Investigation… ” you choose “Yes” as this is also the same form for the awareness training even if you’re not giving all the other required details that would be needed for a background check.
All adults need a BACKGROUND CHECK through your church or ministry. Remember to bring copies of every adult’s background check to camp. These can be processed by your church through whoever they prefer. Or you can order background checks through EGP. (The current cost is $14 each for Texas residents. If from other states, you need to request those cost, as some may be alot more. New Mexico is a “Statewide” state and we usually do those for $22 but states like Louisiana is “County” state so each county can have different additional fees, so it may run $22 or higher than that.)
The registration form for the training is the same as the one for a background check. (Click image above.)