<><><><><><> Previous Retreat Below <><><><><><>
Waiting For God’s Best Retreat (True Love Waits)
Heidi & the EGP worship band,
Session speakers – Shannon & Amanda Pickard, Paul & Yuri Huntington, Hector & Barbie Munoz, Jason & Heidi Williams
Bonfire w/ smores, crazy games, option to Zip-line
Some of our churches that network with EGP are coming together in the DFW area for this vital retreat. We’ll be encouraging how to save yourself from pre-marital sex and for those who have may no longer be virgins, how to make a fresh commitment to be pure from this day forward. We’ll be looking into keeping ourselves pure physically but also mentally and how to have healthy relationships and avoid the ones that can get us into serious trouble. Hearing from those who have kept themselves pure and from those who have been a part of relationships they deeply regret. We can settle for second best or choose to wait for God’s best.
Guys & girls need to know how to really treat each other like God intended.
At the end of the retreat, those who are interested (regardless of their past) will have the opportunity to make a fresh dedication to purity (see it here.)
PARENTS – if you would like details on the topics at the retreat please email us at [email protected] requesting them.
Some churches may choose to have a variety of ways to be involved after the retreat …
a time during a following youth group meeting or a main adult service where those who are making the commitment can come forward to be lead in a public commitment & be given a Purity Ring or necklace that can represent their decision.
If wanting to buy one, there are numerous Purity Rings or Necklaces to choose from. See samples at very bottom of page or follow these links here. Purity Rings Online …
PurityRings.com … Purity Rings
Purity Rings Online … More purity rings online
North Arrow Shop …. 7 pages of Purity Rings
North Arrow’s 412 ring ….TLW ring 1 Tim. 4:12 (only $24)

Some more samples of rings taken from the different websites are below.
You buy at local stores like Mardels or at James Avery’s site is …
Parents, legal guardians or teens themselves can purchase from their choice of a wide variety of purity rings, bracelets or necklaces to represent their fresh commitment to wait for God’s best (regardless of their past). You can order jewelry on the website links above or at your local Mardels, James Avery Store or LifeWay Christian Bookstore.
Here just some of the samples taken from the different websites given above.

Below are a variety of ways for you to make your non-refundable payments. If you’re with a youth group, you make payments to your leader and your church pays EGP.
If you’re coming as an individual without a group, you will be placed in an E.G.P. Student Ministries group and you can mail checks (address at bottom) or online below.
#1. Mail checks– Made out “EGP” mail to Encounter God’s Presence 1169 N. Burleson Blvd., Suite 107 #316, Burleson, TX 76028
#2. Zelle on your bank app / online account “send” it to [email protected]
#3. The Cash app
#4. PayPal options below. (Some have extra PP fees. You do not have to have a PayPal account if you’re using with a credit or debit card.)
**** PAYPAL click on arrows for options, pick one and than click on “Buy Now” button… (Extra for PP fees are already added in.)
Retreat Deposit & 2nd Payment options below… |
$50 deposit & form due Wed. Jan. 23rd $52.00 USD$50 deposit & $22 Zip Line $76.00 USD$50 deposit & $30 hoodie $84.00 USD$50 deposit & $22 Zip Line & $30 hoodie $106.00 USD$50 deposit & $20 Long Sleeve $74.00 USD$50 deposit, $22 Zip Line, $30 hoodie & $20 Long Sleeve $126.00 USD$75 due on Wed. Feb. 13th $79.00 USD |
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* * More options – PAYPAL click on arrows for options, pick one and than click on “Buy Now” button… (Extra for PP fees are already added in.)
Retreat FULL Payment options below… |
Full $125 retreat payment $129.00 USDFull $125 payment $25 LATE Addition fee after Wed. Feb. 20th $154.00 USDLATE FEE $27 $27.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $22 Zip Line $151.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ hoodie $30 $159.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $22 Zip Line & hoodie $181.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $20 Long Sleeve $149.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $20 Long Sleeve & hoodie $179.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $22 Zip Line & $20 Long Sleeve $171.00 USDFull $125 payment w/ $22 Zip Line & hoodie & long sleeve $202.00 USD |
****** ********* ******** ****** ********* ******** ****** ********* ******** ****** ********* ********NO fees for you or Encounter IF you choose to send it through Paypal with money that’s in your PayPal account or your bank account. Click on this “NO fee” button, enter our email, [email protected], and donation amount and than continue on to choose “Friends or Family” and follow the instructions.This option has a fee to send money (monthly option) using a credit card or debit card. The fee in the U.S. is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you send. For example, if you send $100.00 USD by credit card, the fee would be $3.20 USD ($2.90 + $0.30).(PayPal states, “Here’s how this easier checkout works: 1. Customers enter their name and shipping address. 2. They’re prompted for their credit card, email address, and phone number. 3. (Optional) After reviewing their information, they may choose to save their information by creating a PayPal account to make future transactions faster.”) When signed into your PayPal account, you would click on the Send tab choose “Send money to friends and family”. Than enter in the amount and the email address, [email protected] that you’re sending it to. Click on the “Personal” tab and choose “Gift”. Paypal assures the full amount will be given to Encounter God’s Presence. They should send you an email receipt of your donation shortly. Below links have fees included or you can send money for free without fees in a Personal transfer when transferring from only a Bank account or a Paypal account transfer. (There’s fees taken out if using a bank debit card or a credit card.)
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So please also let us know if you would be interested in this?
Contact Us (at the bottom of the page) or email us if your group would like to be a part.