Adults, teenage helpers and kids all pay the same price for camp.
1 to 4 ratio or 1 to 6 ratio …
Adult to kid ratio depends on the age/grades you’re brining. There should be at least 1 male adult for every 6 male kids and at least 1 female adult for every 6 female kids. We recommend more if possible. For example, if you were able to bring 1 adult for every 3 or 4 kids that will give them some extra attention, prayer covering and relationship building opportunities.
Special exceptions for graduating 2nd graders to come to camp? If you bring extra adult leaders to help give extra attention to these younger ones, we will make exceptions. This means if you have any graduating 2nd graders, your ratio should be at least 1 adult for every 4 kids. So at least 1 male adult for every 4 male kids and 1 female adult for every 4 female kids. We know them younger ones can be missing mommy easily so with some extra tlc from more leaders that can help. 
If you have some mature teenagers, you could utilize them as student servant leaders to help with responsibilities at camp. (But they are not able to take the place of an adult in the adult to child ratio.)
Make sure you recruit Christian adults that are responsible and that you trust. They should be setting the example for the kids in Christian character and seeking God. (There is a no smoking/ drinking, no inappropriate language policy on the camp site.)
Churches need to make sure you have done a background check on all adults. Background checks can be bought through EGP, must process by deadline. (Either way, copies are required to be turned in to camp.)
Unfortunately, the campsite has a “NO visitors allowed” policy for kid’s camp.
All adults and student servant leaders (14 years & up) need to have gone through Sexual Abuse Awareness Training before camp. Details under “Child Safety Training” button below. (Please remember to bring copies in your folder of everyone’s certificate to camp.)
1. Camp Servant Leaders To Do’s
2. Servant Leaders Guidelines & Ministry Guidelines
3. Praying God’s Word
4. Sexual Abuse Awareness Training
For those helping at camp, there will be NO charge for each training.
If you have others in your church you would like to have trained & receive a certificate of completion, it would just be $5 each. This should be required training for anyone you have working with children and youth at your church or ministry. It would actually be ideal if everyone (even if they don’t work in any student ministries) in your church was fully trained like this on what to look out for to protect kids & youth from potential or current abuse. Along with specifics of what to do and what not to do in different situations.
5. Background Checks
Remember to bring copies of every adult’s background check to camp. These can be processed by your church through whoever they prefer. Or you can order background checks through EGP. The current cost is $14 each for Texas residents. If from other states, you need to request those cost, as some may be more.